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2024-04-19 14:54:13 来源:白水文学 点击:10
1、我谈过最长的恋爱,就是自恋,我爱自己,没有情敌。 I have talked about the longest love, is narcissism, I love myself, no rival. 2、在我发脾气的时候,不要跟我讲理,我聋的。 Don't reason with me when I lose my temper. I'm deaf. 3、虚情假意的人别说对不起,你滚就是最好的道歉。 Hypocritical people do not say sorry, you go away is the best apology. 4、任何关系,只要你想陌生,我绝不多看一眼。 Any relationship, as long as you want to be strange, I will never look at it more. 5、就算是不锈钢的心,拿刀捅那么多次,也会变形。 Even if it is a stainless steel heart, stabbed so many times with a knife, it will deform. 6、再也没爱你的勇气了,没有你我还照样活着。 I don't have the courage to love you anymore. I still live without you. 7、与其在别人的天下狂奔,不如在自己的王国做主。 It's better to make decisions in your own kingdom than to run wild in other people's world. 8、天长地久,根本没有。海枯石烂,存属扯淡。 Forever, not at all. The sea is dry and the stone is rotten. 9、有没有那么一个人让你红了眼眶,你却还笑着原谅。 There is no such a person let you red eyes, but you still smile to forgive. 10、早起床的人,为钱所困;晚睡觉的人,为情所困。 People who get up early are trapped by money; those who go to bed late are trapped by love. 11、你的世界与我无关,我的世界你也只配旁观。 Your world has nothing to do with me, my world you only deserve to watch. 12、低调不代表我不行,只是没必要跟狗玩骄傲。 Low profile doesn't mean I can't do it. It's just that there's no need to play pride with dogs. 13、青春就该拼搏,只有努力过才会明白,你注定就屌丝。 Youth should struggle, only efforts will understand, you are doomed to loser. 14、你永远都不会知道,为你胡思乱想的人有多么爱你。 You'll never know how much someone who thinks about you loves you. 15、每个人都是演员,演好了是主角,演坏了就是配角。 Everyone is an actor. If he plays well, he is the leading role, and if he is bad, he is a supporting role. 16、趁着年轻,大胆地走出去,去迎接风霜雨雪的洗礼。 Take advantage of the young, boldly go out to meet the baptism of wind, frost, rain and snow. 17、爱上你,让我会有点儿害怕,怕得到你又怕失去你。 Falling in love with you makes me a little afraid, afraid to get you and afraid to lose you. 18、我讨厌有人突然间就不跟我讲话了,还不告诉我原因。 I hate that someone suddenly stops talking to me and doesn't tell me why. 19、此刻的我你爱理不理,未来的我你高攀不起。 At the moment I you love to ignore, the future I you can not afford. 20、唾沫是用来数钞票的,而不是用来讲道理的。 Saliva is used to count money, not to reason. 21、想要拥有就要先学会失去,才不会每次伤痕累累。 If you want to have, you must learn to lose first, then you won't be scarred every time. 22、就算别人说你们百般不好,你们也是我骄傲的存在。 Even if others say you are not good, you are my proud existence. 23、白头偕老不就是染个头发,打掉几颗牙的问题。 Growing old together is not a matter of dyeing your hair and knocking out a few teeth. 24、你给我的伤痛不是感冒,吃多少感冒药也治疗不好! The pain you give me is not a cold, how much cold medicine you take can't be cured! 25、长点脸,擦清眼,麻烦你看清楚什么叫脸色。 Long face, wipe your eyes, please see what face is. 26、伤了我的心,你别满意,会有人帮我渐渐偿还给你。 Hurt my heart, you don't be satisfied, someone will help me gradually repay to you. 27、我们曾经那么好,现在却连声问候都怕是打扰。 We used to be so good, but now even greetings are afraid to disturb. 28、爱,就深爱,把最好的、爱的样子留给我们。 Love, love deeply, and leave the best and loving appearance for us. 29、幸福是什么,就是你吃鱼,我吃肉,看着别人啃骨头! What is happiness, is you eat fish, I eat meat, watching others gnaw bone! 30、我就是我,至于你怎么看我,既不需要,也没必要。 I am who I am. As for what you think of me, it is neither necessary nor necessary. 31、既然上天让我遇见了你,我定然不会再爱上别人。 Since God let me meet you, I will not fall in love with others. 32、对你忽冷忽热的人,可能是个可有可无的人。 People who are hot and cold to you may be a dispensable person. 33、为什么总是在最后一刻才明白,我们的爱早就已不在。 Why do we always understand at the last moment that our love is long gone. 34、多年后你会不会记得,有一个女孩很努力地珍惜过你? Many years later, will you remember that a girl tried hard to cherish you? 35、我过得好不好,从你离开的那瞬间就和你没有关系了。 How well I am, from the moment you left, it has nothing to do with you. 36、这一辈子没什么野心,不过就想发个财而已。 I have no ambition in this life, but I just want to make a fortune. 37、我胖的原因是因为许多事,放在心里不好瘦。 The reason why I am fat is that I am not thin in my heart because of many things. 38、不好意思,姐就这么直白,唠不出你爱听的嗑。 I'm sorry, sister is so straightforward, can't nag out what you like to hear. 39、与其安慰自己平凡可贵,不如拼尽全力活得漂亮。 It's better to try our best to live a beautiful life than to comfort yourself with ordinary and precious things. 40、不知从何起,我对你的关心变成了自作多情。 I don't know from where, my concern for you has become self indulgent. 41、我可以爱你到撕心裂肺,也可以走得干干脆脆。 I can love you to the heart and lung, or walk dry and crisp. 42、碰不得的东西,最好别碰,惹不起我的人,最好别惹。 If you can't touch something, you'd better not touch it. If you can't annoy me, you'd better not. 43、好女人是一所学校,好男人毕业了可留校任教。 A good woman is a school. A good man can stay in school to teach after graduation. 44、做个童心未泯的人,不被世俗,不被规则化。 To be a childlike person, not to be secular, not to be regularized. 45、不要埋怨别人让你失望了,只怪我们自己期望太多。 Don't blame others for letting you down, just blame ourselves for expecting too much. 46、无话不说是我们的曾经,无话可说是我们的结局。 No words do not say is our once, nothing to say is our end. 47、彼此说话客气点,我没你想的,那么善解人意。 Talk to each other politely. I'm not as understanding as you think. 48、学校就是连续签到五天,送你作业大礼包一份。 The school is to sign in five days in a row and send you a big gift bag for homework. 49、练就一颗忍耐、豁达、睿智的心,幸福才会来。 Cultivate a patient, open-minded, wise heart, happiness will come. 50、自己选择的荆棘漫道,连滚带爬也要走到最后。 The thorns of my choice are all over the road, and I have to walk to the end. 51、用尽这个年纪最干净最彻底的勇气,去爱一个人。 Use the cleanest and most thorough courage of this age to love a person. 52、女人,你要活得有尊严,笑给别人看,哭给自己听。 Woman, you should live with dignity, smile to others, cry to yourself. 53、在我生气的时候别给我讲什么大道理,我聋。 Don't tell me anything when I'm angry. I'm deaf. 54、与其在别人的生活里跑龙套,不如精彩做自己! It's better to be wonderful than to be yourself in other people's life! 55、别太大方,很多时候你不争。属于你的都会被人夺走。 Don't be too generous. You don't argue a lot. What belongs to you will be taken away. 56、不管你面子有多大,在我这里,你只有一次机会。 No matter how big your face is, you only have one chance with me. 57、我看到所有的情话,联想到的只有你一张脸。 When I see all the love words, I only think of your face. 58、十八而志,志在奋斗,不知年少轻狂,只懂胜者为王。 18 and ambition, ambition in the struggle, do not know young frivolous, only understand the winner for the king. 59、心底里的人啊,总是忍不住偷偷地,给好多次机会。 The people in my heart, ah, always can't help secretly, give many opportunities. 60、不要怪别人以貌取人,毕竟心太远,脸就在眼前。 Don't blame others for judging people by their appearance. After all, the heart is too far away, and the face is in front of you. 61、人生只有这么长,何必浪费在为别人改变的过程中。 Life is only so long, why waste in the process of changing for others. 62、沉默久了我就决定了、决定了你的手我握了不会放掉。 Silence for a long time I decided, decided your hand, I will not let go.



