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2024-04-29 10:52:44 来源:白水文学 点击:8
1、只是永远的,永远的想跟你在一起。 Just forever, always want to be with you. 2、有错过才会有新的遇见;缘分就是,不早不晚,恰恰刚好。 If you miss, you will have a new meeting; fate is that it's not too early or too late, just right. 3、你不是我见过最漂亮的女孩,但你却是我心里最美丽的存在。 You are not the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, but you are the most beautiful existence in my heart. 4、永远把自己当成个傻瓜,假装听不懂他说的情话。 Always regard yourself as a fool, pretending not to understand his love words. 5、任无常逐一升起和熄灭,我对你赤子之心永存。 Let the impermanence rise and go out one by one, and my heart for you will last forever. 6、爱情不仅会占领开旷坦阔的胸怀,有时也能闯入壁垒森严的心灵。 Love will not only occupy the open mind, sometimes can also break into the heavily fortified heart. 7、因为你,每天都是情人节。 Because of you, every day is Valentine's day. 8、我会牢牢记住你的脸,我会珍惜你给的思念。 I will firmly remember your face, I will cherish your missing. 9、爱情是真实的,是持久的,是我们所知道的最甜也是最苦的东西。 Love is real, lasting and the sweetest and bitterest thing we know. 10、如果能说出爱一个人的理由,就能找出不爱的借口。 If you can say the reason why you love someone, you can find the excuse for not loving. 11、我的愿望是一夜暴富,不然抱你也好。 My wish is to become rich overnight, or I will hold you. 12、天涯供你选,我只负责陪你,东奔西走挡寒风。 The end of the world for you to choose, I am only responsible for accompanying you, running around to block the cold wind. 13、我愿执笔花间,离经叛道,只为最美的你。 I would like to write between flowers, unconventional, only for the most beautiful you. 14、你上辈子一定是碳酸饮料吧,我一见到你就开心得冒泡。 You must have been a carbonated drink in your last life. I was so happy to see you. 15、人生最大的幸福,是发现自己爱的人正好也爱着自己。 The greatest happiness in life is to find that the person you love happens to love yourself. 16、跟你说话,真的是为数不多的开心时光。 Talking to you is really one of the few happy times. 17、喜欢一个人,往往就是多看一眼的事。 Like a person, often is to see more things. 18、我不要一时的温暖,只想你一世的陪伴。 I don't want a moment of warmth, just want your company. 19、如果我是鱼,我的每七秒都是你。 If I were a fish, I would be you every seven seconds. 20、笔下画不完的圆,心间填不满的缘,是你。 Pen can not finish the circle, heart filling dissatisfaction margin, is you. 21、我对你的爱,没尽头,也没堤口。不比月亮薄,风也吹不走。 My love for you, no end, no dike. No thinner than the moon, the wind can't blow away. 22、贞操是从丰富的爱情中生出来的资产。 Chastity is an asset born out of rich love. 23、走好自己的路,也要迈好自己的步,少理那些在背后说三道四的废物。 Take your own way, but also take your own steps, and pay less attention to those rubbish who gossip behind your back. 24、我希望睡前最后看到的是你。 I hope the last thing I see before I go to bed is you. 25、下辈子不知道能不能遇见,所以这辈子把最好的都给你。 I don't know if I can meet you in the next life, so I will give you the best in this life. 26、你永远也不晓得自己有多喜欢一个人,除非你看见他和别的人在一起。 You never know how much you like someone unless you see him with someone else. 27、其实我不敢想象,没有你,生活会是怎样。 In fact, I can't imagine what life would be like without you. 28、真正的爱,就是愿为对方付出一切,而不求任何回报。 True love is willing to give everything for each other without asking for anything in return. 29、如果你开始想念我,记住了,不是我自己要走的,是你自己松手的。 If you start to miss me, remember, it's not me who wants to go, it's you who let go. 30、所爱之人,纵使隔着千山万水,也能心有灵犀,也能心心相印。 Love, even if across thousands of mountains and rivers, can also have a heart to heart, can also be heart to heart. 31、靠近你的时候心里被撒了一把跳跳糖。 When I was close to you, my heart was sprinkled with a bunch of jumping sugar. 32、慢慢来,情话不必一时说尽,没有比岁月见证爱情更美好的事了。 Slowly, love words don't have to say all at once, there is no better thing than years to witness love. 33、每次喝多了都特别想你,后来我发现,不喝多也特别想你。 Every time I drink too much, I miss you very much. Later I found that I miss you very much. 34、我也想遇见一个人,为他花开满城,为他明灯三千。 I also want to meet a person, for his flowers all over the city, for his light 3000. 35、山野千里,你是我藏在星星里的浪漫。 You are my romantic hiding in the stars. 36、判你无期徒刑,在我身边执行。 You'll be sentenced to life imprisonment, executed by my side. 37、老公你是我的全部,你是我的所有,愿你每天快乐,每天开心。 Husband, you are all I have, you are all I have, wish you happy every day, happy every day. 38、毁于虚荣心的女性,比毁于爱情的还要多。 More women are destroyed by vanity than by love. 39、轻轻的我走了,正如我轻轻的来;我轻轻的招手,作别西天的云彩。 Gently I go, as I gently come; I gently wave, bid farewell to the clouds in the West. 40、爱上你是一种错,但我的心却怂恿我一错再错。 It's a mistake to fall in love with you, but my heart encourages me to make mistakes again and again. 41、有时候执着是一种重负或一种伤害,放弃却是一种美丽。 Sometimes persistence is a kind of burden or a kind of injury, but giving up is a kind of beauty. 42、感觉你的名字有棱有角,刚好镶进心脏大小。 Feel your name is angular, just inserted into the size of the heart. 43、有时候失忆是最好的解脱,沉默是最好的诉说。 Sometimes amnesia is the best relief, silence is the best way to tell. 44、可不可以换你褪去一身骄傲,喜欢我到疯掉。 Can you take off your pride and like me crazy. 45、听着,我允许你喜欢我。除了白头偕老,我们没别的路可选。 Look, I allow you to like me. We have no choice but to grow old together. 46、你可以骂我禽兽,但不可以说我无耻,禽兽也是有尊严的。 You can call me an animal, but you can't say I'm shameless. Animals also have dignity. 47、不要轻易说爱,许下的诺言就是欠下的债。 Don't say love easily. The promise you make is the debt you owe. 48、自从遇见你,我就人生苦短,因为,甜的部分很长。 Since I met you, my life has been short, because the sweet part is very long. 49、若我是,万千繁星其中一个,你便是我的星轨,使我昼夜不知停。 If day and night make me stop, I don't know if I am one of the stars. 50、不是没了你我就没人要,而是除了你我谁都不想要。 It's not that no one wants me without you, but I don't want anyone except you.




